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Sohn, W. J., Lim, J., Wang, P. T., Pu, H., Malekzadeh-Arasteh, O., Shaw, S. J., ... & Do, A. H. (2023). Benchtop and bedside validation of a low-cost programmable cortical stimulator in a testbed for bi-directional brain-computer-interface research. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, Art-No. 2023
R. Nayeem, W. J. Sohn, J. A. DiCarlo, P. Gochyyev, D. J. Lin and D. Sternad, "Novel Platform for Quantitative Assessment of Functional Object Interactions After Stroke," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 31, pp. 426-436, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2022.3226067.
Jeffrey Lim, Derrick Lin, Won Joon Sohn, Colin M McCrimmon, Po T Wang, Zoran Nenadic, An H Do(2022). BCI-Based Neuroprostheses and Physiotherapies for Stroke Motor Rehabilitation. In: Reinkensmeyer, D.J., Marchal-Crespo, L., Dietz, V. (eds) Neurorehabilitation Technology. Springer, Cham.
Sohn W J, Sloop G D, Pop G, et al. PurUUpurU: An Oligonucleotide Virulence Factor in RNA Viruses. Cureus 14(9): e29340. doi:10.7759/cureus.29340, 2022.
A.Q. Tan, W.J. Sohn, A. Naidu, R.D. Trumbower. Daily acute intermittent hypoxia combined with walking practice enhances walking performance but not intralimb motor coordination in persons with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury. Exp. Neurol., 340 (2021), Article 113669, 10.1016/j.expneurol.2021.113669
Haoran Pu, Ahmad Reza Danesh, Omid Malekzadeh-Arasteh, Won Joon Sohn, An H. Do, Zoran Nenadic, and Payam Heydari, “A 40V Voltage-Compliance 12.75mA Maximum-Current Multipolar Neural Stimulator Using Time-Based Charge Balancing Technique Achieving 2mV Precision,” IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. (CICC), April 2021.
Sohn WJ, Sanger TD "Constraint-induced intervention as an emergent phenomenon from synaptic competition in biological systems." Journal of Computational Neuroscience. Mar. 2021.
Sohn WJ (Equal contributing author), Tan AQ, Naidu A, Trumbower RD. Effects of Acute intermittent Hypoxia treatment on kinematic variability during overground walking. Experimental Neurology, Feb. 2021
Sohn WJ, Po. T. Wang, Spencer Kellis, Richard A. Andersen, Charles Y. Liu, Payam Heydari, Zoran Nenadic, and An H. Do. A Prototype of a Fully-Implantable Charge-Balanced Artificial Sensory Stimulator for Bi-directional Brain-Computer-Interface (BD-BCI). IEEE/EMBC Montreal, Jul. 20-24, 2020.
Sohn, W-J., Nayeem, R., Zuzarte, I., Hogan, N. & Sternad, D. (2020). Control of complex objects: challenges of linear internal dynamics. BioRob 2020, New York, November 29-December 2.
Sohn WJ, Sipahi R, Sanger TD, Sternad D. “Portable motion-analysis device for upper-limb research, assessment and rehabilitation in non-laboratory settings”, IEEE Journal of translational engineering in health and medicine. Nov. 2019.
Sohn WJ, et al. “Variability of leg kinematic during overground walking in persons with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury”. Journal of Neurotrauma. 20 Mar 2018
Niu, C. M., Jalaleddini, K., Sohn, W. J., Rocamora, J., Sanger, T. D., & Valero-Cuevas, F. J. (2017). Neuromorphic meets neuromechanics, part I: the methodology and implementation. J Neural Eng, 14(2), 025001.
Jalaleddini, K., Minos Niu, C., Chakravarthi Raja, S., Sohn WJ, Loeb, G. E., Sanger, T. D., & Valero-Cuevas, F. J. (2017). Neuromorphic meets neuromechanics, part II: the role of fusimotor drive. J Neural Eng, 14(2), 025002.
Sohn, W. J., Niu, C. M., & Sanger, T. D. (2016). A neuromorphic model of motor overflow in focal hand dystonia due to correlated sensory input. J Neural Eng, 13(5), 055001.
Sohn, W. J., Niu, C. M., & Sanger, T. D. (2015). Increased long-latency reflex activity as a sufficient explanation for childhood hypertonic dystonia: a neuromorphic emulation study. J Neural Eng, 12(3), 036010.
Niu CM, Rocamora JM, Sohn WJ, Valero-Cuevas FJ, Sanger TD. “Force-velocity property of muscle is critical for stabilizing a tendon-driven robotic joint controlled by neuromorphic hardware.” Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference of Neural Engineering, San Diego, CA, Nov 6-8, 2013.
Niu CM, Sohn WJ, Nandyala S, Sanger TD. Multi-scale Hyper-time Hardware Emulation of Human Motor Nervous System Based on Spiking Neurons using FPGA. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2012.
W. Bian, J. C. Crane, W. Sohn, I. Park, E. Ozturk-Isik, S. J. Nelson. “A Comparison of Two Phase Correction Strategies in Multi-Channel MRSI Reconstruction” Proceeding of the 17th Annual Meeting of ISMRM Honolulu, 2009.
Sohn WJ, et al. “Characteristics of Surface Brain Signal during Urination ” (in preparation)
Sohn WJ, et al. “A Case for Artificial Sensory Stimulation of Walking with a Prototype Fully-Implantable Artificial Sensory Stimulator” (in preparation)
A. Q. Tan, W. Sohn, L. Wan, R, Trumbower. Gains in overground walking performance following low oxygen therapy are not accompanied by reductions in intralimb kinematic variability in persons with iSCI. Abstract, Society of Neuroscience (SFN), San Diego, CA, Nov 3-7, 2018.
Sohn WJ, Zuzarte I, Sternad, D. "Rhythmic Manipulation of Complex Objects with Nonlinear and Linearized Dynamics." Abstract, Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Santa Fe, NM. Apr. 30-May.4, 2018
Sohn WJ, Sanger TD, Sternad D. “Portable, interactive motion-capture device for upper-limb movement rehabilitation: A feasibility study” Abstract, Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Santa Fe, NM. Apr. 30-May.4, 2018
Jalaleddini Kian, Niu CM, Raja CR, Sohn WJ, Loeb Gerald, Sanger Terence, Valero-Cuevas Francisco. “Neuromorphic Implementation of the Human Spinal Cord for Finger Control”. Abstract. 50th Meeting of Winter Conference on Brain Research. Big Sky, MT. Jan 28-Feb 2. 2017.
Sohn WJ, et. al. “Endpoint variability during overground walking in persons with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury” Abstract. Society of Neuroscience (SFN), San Diego, CA, Nov 12-16, 2016.
Sohn WJ. Niu CM, Sanger TD “Motor overflow in focal hand dystonia develops and perpetuates under correlated sensory inputs in neuromorphic simulation,” Abstract accepted to Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Charleston, SC. Apr. 20-25, 2015.
Barradas-Patino VR, Niu CM, Sohn WJ, Sanger TD, Loeb GE, Valero-Cuevas FJ “Adjustment of gamma motor neuron firing rates in neuromorphic hardware elicits physiological behavior while controlling a cadaveric human finger under kinematic constraints” Abstract accepted to Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Charleston, SC. Apr. 20-25, 2015.
Sohn WJ, Sanger TD "Modeling activity-dependent constraint-induced therapy by spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP)", Abstract accepted to Computational and System Neuroscience (COSYNE), Salt Lake City, Mar. 5-8, 2015.
Niu CM, Sohn WJ, Sanger TD. "Abstract accepted to Society of Neuroscience (SFN), Washington, DC, Nov 15-19, 2014.
Only moderate intensity of gamma fusimotor drive can stabilize a single joint in neuromorphic emulation" Sohn WJ, Niu CM, Sanger TD. "Increased long-latency reflex activity as a sufficient explanation for childhood hypertonic dystonia: an hardware emulation study." Abstract accepted to US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship, San Francisco,CA, Aug 6-9, 2014.
Sohn WJ. Sanger TD “Emulating development of focal hand dystonia due to plasticity,” Abstract accepted to Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Amsterdam. Apr. 21-25, 2014.
Niu CM, Sohn WJ, Sanger TD. "Using neuromorphic emulation to learn the role of gamma fusimotor drive in reflex and voluntary movements." Abstract accepted to Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Amsterdam. Apr. 21-25, 2014.
Sohn WJ, Niu CM, Sanger TD. “VLSI emulation of motor overflow in focal hand dystonia” Abstract accepted to Society of Neuroscience (SFN), San Diego, CA, Nov 9-13, 2013. (manuscript in preparation)
Sohn WJ, Niu CM, Sanger TD. “Recreating involuntary dystonic posture using model-based simulation in virtual environment” Abstract accepted to Society of Neuroscience (SFN), New Orleans. 2012. (manuscript in preparation)
Choi IH, Sohn WJ, et al. “Wireless Deep Brain Stimulation in Freely Behaving Mice” Abstract accepted to Society of Neuroscience (SFN), Chicago, 2009
Grodins Research Symposium, Annual presentation, USC Biomedical Engineering, 2009 to 2014.
- Sohn WJ. “Understanding human motor control and how it fails in movement disorder: From haptic robotics to multi-scale neural modeling” Oral presentation at Computer engineering departmental seminar. Kyung-Hee University, Yong-in, Korea, Nov. 30. 2018.
- Sohn WJ. “Understanding human motor control and how it fails in movement disorder: From haptic robotics to multi-scale neural modeling” Oral presentation at Departmental seminar. Seoul national university (SNU), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 29. 2018.
- Sohn WJ. “Apprehending human motor control and how it fails in movement disorder: From haptic robotics to multi-scale neural modeling” Oral presentation at Biomedical engineering departmental seminar. SKKU, Suwon, Korea, Nov. 28. 2018.
- Sohn WJ. “Understanding human motor control and how it fails in movement disorder: From haptic robotics to multi-scale neural modeling” Oral presentation at Mechanical engineering departmental seminar. Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 27. 2018.
- Sohn WJ. “Portable motion-analysis device for upper-limb motor assessment and therapy” Oral presentation and device demo at weekly meeting of Stroke Motor Neurorecovery Clinic. Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston, MA Oct. 24. 2018.
- Sohn WJ. " Understanding the pathology of dystonia by hardware emulation", Invited speaker, Special topic seminar, Emory University, Jul 28, 2015.
- Sohn WJ. " Understanding the pathology of dystonia by hardware emulation", Invited speaker, Special topic seminar, Emory University, Jul 28, 2015.
- Sohn WJ. " Understanding the pathology of dystonia by hardware emulation", Invited speaker, Special topic seminar, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Jul 21, 2015.
- Sohn WJ. "Frankenstein Project", Invited speaker, Special topic seminar, University of Seoul, Dec 9, 2014.
- Sohn WJ. "Frankenstein Project", Guest lecturer, Biomedical engineering seminar, Han Yang University, Dec. 8, 2014.
- Sohn WJ. “Emulating development of focal hand dystonia due to plasticity,” Oral presentation, USC Spring 2014 Scholars Research Symposium, USC Davidson Conference Center. April 14, 2014
- Sohn WJ. “Understanding the pathology of movement disorder in hardware emulation”, Oral presentation P3Challenge at US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship, Los Angeles,CA, SWRC, Mar 8, 2014.
- Sohn WJ. “Emulating the development of hyperkinetic movement disorder 365 times faster than real-time in scalable hardware”. Oral presentation at US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship, Los Angeles,CA, Aug 8-11, 2012.
- Nature Scientific Reports
- IEEE Engineer in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)
- International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
- Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (JNER)
- Won 2nd Place in the student SRAM Hardware Design Contest sponsored by AMD. 2007. -Invitation from AMD
- Teaching and Research Assistantship. University of Southern California, 2009~present
- Outreach program: Volunteer presenter in the outreach program for local middle school students at UC Irvine. Feb 12th, 2020.
- Outreach program: Volunteer presenter in the outreach program for K-12 high school students. California State Summer School for Math & Science (COSMOS) at UC Irvine. July 29th, 2019.
- Outreach program: Volunteer presenter in the outreach program for local high school students. Emory University, May, 2016.
- Outreach program: Volunteer presenter in the outreach program for local middle school students. Emory University, Feb, 2016.